The Number of Stock Investors Surpasses 7 Million Again After 1.5 Months
The number of stock investors registered with the Central Securities Depository (MKK) has once again surpassed the 7 million mark, reaching 7.03 million as of December 20, following the resumption of public offerings at Borsa Istanbul after a 1.5-month hiatus. The number of stock investors had seen a consecutive decline for nine weeks, last rising above 7 million on November 1.
The Capital Markets Board (SPK) approved two public offering applications the previous week after a two-month break, leading to the public offerings of Çağdaş Cam Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ and Sümer Varlık Yönetim AŞ.
During the same week, the value of shares decreased from 13.71 trillion TL to 13.26 trillion TL. The total number of accounts registered with MKK increased from 85.57 million to 85.68 million, while the number of investors rose from 36.03 million to 36.06 million.
In the week when the number of accounts with balances increased from 15.12 million to 15.34 million, the number of investors with balances also rose from 10.61 million to 10.75 million.